Ever wonder what the fuss is about when people talk about Site C dam? Maybe being able to see what is at stake will touch people’s hearts. Anyone who sees this incredible area knows how important this magical place is.
Most areas in this video will be buried underwater forever by the dam’s unneeded construction.
The energy from Site C is not needed.
After 28 days of hearings and review of 28,000 pages of documentation, the Joint Review Panel concluded that BC Hydro has failed to prove that we need Site C. Further, they emphasized that because there are significant adverse effects, justification for the project must rest on an unambiguous need for the power.
Site C is going to cost you money – a lot of money.
“BC Hydro currently estimates that Site C Dam will cost $8.8 billion and “projects losing $800 million in the first 4 years of operation.” (Report of the Joint Review Panel, Site C Clean Energy Project, BC Hydro, May 1, 2014)”
Alternative sources of power would be more cost effective.
“Energy economist Dr. Marvin Shaffer conducted significant research on the viability of Site C and has concluded that there are far less expensive alternatives to Site C.”
Send us your concerns about this unneeded project at http://realsitechearings.org